Keep Cool This Summer

December 2, 2014

As lovely as it is to enjoy the outdoors, keeping cool in summer is high on the agenda – especially if you’ve been busy exercising. Try some of these natural ways to keep cool this summer:

Freeze fruit: Pop some fruit, such as watermelon and grapes, in the freezer before eating them. A delicious, healthy way to keep cool.

Cool as a cucumber: Feeling red and puffy? Slice of cold cucumber can do wonders for relieving post-exercise heat and heat-induced head tension.

Cool hit: Try storing your body lotions in the fridge for quick, cool foot relief.

Close the curtains: Air conditioning doesn’t have to be your only option for keeping cool during the warmer months. Keep out the heat by closing your curtains. But remember to open windows when it is cooler outside to make the most of a cool breeze.