Fighting Fit

December 2, 2014

As summer comes into full swing, there is no better time to get out and about. Why not take advantage of the weather and improve your health by trying one of these new fitness trends?

Paddle-boarding: If you haven’t tried paddle-boarding yet, it’s a great way to improve balance and leg strength – and you don’t have to be a pro surfer to succeed! You can hire a board at most beaches and lakes, and if you’re feeling especially adventurous, you could even try paddle-board yoga.

Obstacle courses: You may have noticed that military-style commando courses, from Tough Mudder to the Spartan Race, are popping up everywhere lately. Challenge yourself and recruit a group of friends to train with you – just don’t cut yourself on the razor wire!

High-intensity interval training (HIIT): Have you seen those people at the gym hurling ropes across the room and lugging sandbags? This is HIIT, a new intense workout designed to give you great results in just 20 minutes. Come summer, many gyms may offer these boot camp-style classes outdoors – ask at your local fitness centre.